Sunday, March 19, 2006

When no-one else can be bothered to listen my dog is always there. :)


Rex and I met when he was behind bars,
'though which of us was the prisoner
I never could tell.
I like to think that I saved him
from a long and boring sleep.
He did the same for me.

His eyes were wide and full
of words and thoughts
Which any fool knows animals are incapable of,
and yet,
he showed more love,
than I had ever known.

When I picked him up,
and felt him nuzzle into the crook of my arm,
I knew that he already was
my best friend.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Words tumble playfully, bounce into my mind and dance
along to a soundless tune that becomes your theme,
Looking forward to the end of day when obligations are fulfilled
and time belongs to me.
Melancholy mumbles in my ear, but he’ll never know how much it means,
Never sees the sunbeams for me when he appears,
His words tickle me again, and I find I’m laughing,
Such a strange sound, I’d forgotten what its like,
And my tough, dried out mind does not break, brittle
as I always thought it would,
but soaks up every word and softly grows.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So you think I still love you
Just because your picture’s still here
Curled at the edges
As if its been fondled a million times
And the surface warped
As if its been cried on

So you think I still miss you
Play our song again and again
Lip sync the words you never meant
Wrap myself in the shirt you left
Inhale you one more time

I moved on, I’ve moved up,
Never even think of you when I have that second cup
of special ground, just leave it,
1 minute more, just leave it

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mind Invasion.

The sun beats down on me,
a distant drum
who silently summons
countless tiny invaders.

Intrusive black pests
who forge tiny trails
across open plains and low dipped valleys
of warmed flesh.

Panicked hands swipe and sweep,
brush off slow-witted stragglers,
but agile ants grasp tight
to dance and sway
and pinch to plead,
"Please let us stay."

In soapy solitude I stand,
watch broken bodies
slosh slowly down the drain,
but still I smell
their acrid anger,
and still I sense
their crawling caress.

For weeks after,
my memory finds and flicks
black scrawls that bite
before they disappear.

Just like your words,
just like your secret
I wish I'd never heard.